












(从SmartBrief顶端标题可持续性)- 13:05
纽约,Pa。,works to eliminate plastic waste

(到处)- 24:56


(如果我们大胆的等)- 58:10





大家好,欢迎回来可持续性智能吊舱。肖恩·麦克马洪和我加入了我的三个公司主机,Evan Milberg,事务所扬vanValkenburgh和卡伦·坎特。今天每个人都做的怎么样?

埃文Milberg 00:22事务所




扬vanValkenburgh 00:32








你看,在这个节目的第一集,我们提到了会计环境责任的概念,或责任。E责任引入了一个简单、准确和可核查的摇篮到门排放总量计算的任何产品或服务。在早期事件,我们表示有点怀疑这个概念。你猜怎么着E责任研究所的人听。这是真的。他们的CEO迈克尔·马奥尼取得了联系并提供他们的公司创始人之一加入我们在节目中作为一个客人。好吧,我们接受它。所以上来,你会听到采访Karthik Ramanna,恋人是公司创始人兼首席研究员E责任研究所。他也恰好是教授商业和公共政策和公共政策硕士项目主任成立的牛津大学布拉瓦尼克政府学院。所以,如果我们有一个巨大的简历,他很忙,但他发现时间加入我们的行列。 And I gotta say, he made a very clear case for why companies, standard setters and regulators from all around the world should be familiarizing themselves with the concept of E liability as soon as possible. So stick around for that conversation with Karthik. But right now it’s time to kick off our sustainable or suspicious segment. Jaan, I believe you have today’s topic for us.

扬vanValkenburgh 02:39


埃文Milberg 03:50事务所





好了,从我的角度来看,我认为这只是人类的习惯,形成这个建筑摩天大楼。我们讨论了结构需求和涉及到的碳氢化合物。但最终,如果你考虑交通,人们将住在哪里,你知道,如果你有一个像纽约市区中心,例如,你提到了凯伦,实际上每个人都住在那里,走不开大。但是如果每个人都开车,交通是一个噩梦。那不是很好。所以我不知道,我认为如果你与房屋建造更高的建筑,更多的人住在那里,让他们住在那里。我不知道。我认为这是,我保持中立。我想我一直在篱笆在很多事情。但是我有点想圆回点巴黎和旅游美学的三角形,你谈论扬。 If memory serves, I think the Eiffel Tower was initially considered an eyesore.

扬vanValkenburgh 06:42




扬vanValkenburgh 07:14


埃文Milberg 07:17事务所




扬vanValkenburgh 07:36

只是怀疑因为我明白建筑较高,需要更多的材料等等。但你仍然可以可持续发展和建立和建设低,不会让你更加可持续,它让你低。我认为这是出于审美的目的,因为巴黎不希望任何摩天大楼了。和他们喜欢的浪漫,世纪古老的感觉。我可以完全理解这一点。只是说它是清楚的。因为如果巴黎市长有一个伟大的计划,使气候友好,或者,减少碳排放,汽车离洗发水,说她做所有这些不同的事情,真的很神奇。你知道,增加绿色空间,所有这些事情让巴黎太棒了。这将使它成为一个伟大的地方参观,一个生活的好地方改变,她的所有,和这将是对环境有益。然而,我不认为她这样做对环境。 She’s doing this because some poor regions got upset, because it’s got a new building. Everybody gets upset about a new building in their backyard, everybody, it when it’s modern, when it doesn’t fit, but that is being genuine to the period that you are in. And so I can appreciate different architectural styles. This is an architectural taste question. And it’s not about sustainability. So I don’t think that this is sustainable










好了,我要下来在这一点在可持续发展方面。对不起,是的,你自己在这里。我认为你提出的动机扬是真的,我认为波斯人想保持尽可能清晰的轮廓。Ave提到华盛顿,我认为华盛顿是一个最美丽的高楼大厦,因为它没有数十种巨大的摩天大楼,这是非常独特的。当你在那个城市,你不会觉得你在具体的峡谷,有亲密关系。是的,如果它是一个晴朗的日子,你可能会看到太阳。所以我认为这就是人们在巴黎,和市长是躲在可持续发展的一部分。但是我认为我们都是会更好如果我们有较小的建筑,我希望的是,世界各地的一些组织或者,你知道,绿色建筑委员会之类的,会告诉我们金发女孩身高是多少?对吧?在什么高度是建筑的顶端过去是最优的,你知道,所有的原因我们已经讨论过在这里需要太多的混凝土和所有这些事情。 And then anything up to that, we could kind of feel like we’re in a good spot.

埃文Milberg 12事务所





肖恩,我要从这篇文章开始,我认为是最有趣的上周。那就是像我说的,标题,孩子们有足够的和有一个气候诉讼进展在蒙大拿。现在环保组织的律师,我们孩子的信任,正在起诉蒙大拿的状态。被覆盖几乎无处不在,但是我们把它从美联社(Associated Press)在《纽约时报》。所以这些孩子的年龄从5到22日说,政府是伤害他们和他们的期货通过选择化石燃料公司的利益在蒙大拿的市民的健康。在这种状态下,他们可能有一个案例,因为蒙大拿的宪法说,官员应该保持清洁和健康的环境在蒙大拿,现在和未来几代人。现在,这个试验的结果真的是象征性的,因为法官不能告诉官员在蒙大拿停止钻探或化学物质或其他的,这些孩子是指向。但我认为公司和世界各国政府正在关注这个,因为他们带来了一些不错的点。这不会是最后一次诉讼。事实上,第一个一系列的他们被我们的孩子带来全国的信任。 The kids may not get very far, but they’re going to make a lot of people uncomfortable.

扬vanValkenburgh 14:54


埃文Milberg 38事务所




埃文Milberg 16:05事务所



然而,我要推你,一个特定的原因,恰好是及时的。就在今天早上,我看到一个新闻故事葛丽泰- Thornburg,青年气候活动家,和我说青年因为她变老。对吧?所以当她第一次袭击现场年前,噢,我的天哪,这个年轻的少年,无论如何,这是令人惊异的。但正如我们所做的,她变老了。突然,她没有得到小的提及。她只是要这总力的一个年轻的女人喜欢做的事情,但是可爱的因素消失了,和新鲜感了。所以我认为,通过选择一个五岁,和了解法庭案件需要多长时间抱怨他们的系统,这些律师,嘿,如果这十多年的时间,这个孩子仍然是15。哦,我的上帝。你和我绝对建议律师可能是愤世嫉俗,因为我认为这是完全正确的。

扬vanValkenburgh 17:44


埃文Milberg 17:47事务所




埃文Milberg 18:04事务所








扬vanValkenburgh 19:29凡




埃文Milberg 19:59事务所


扬vanValkenburgh 20:03




扬vanValkenburgh 20:37


埃文Milberg 20:39事务所


扬原因vanValkenburgh 21:24






扬vanValkenburgh 22:57




埃文Milberg 23:45事务所




扬vanValkenburgh 25:07

这一集我们回到西欧。现在你知道足球。但在美国之外,职业足球几乎狂热状态。这就像如果你把美国棒球和美式足球和结合在一起,然后你有竞争对手隔壁城镇,专业水平,打击在竞技场,玩家是牛人,他们是狗仔队饲料。这是一个真正的生活方式。很难理解它认为泰德套索表明,会给你一个味道。但它是大的。在过去,说,最近12个月,欧洲足球,足球,一直做一些一些人所说的可持续性构成,这是试图表明他们是可持续的。不过,你可能会说,他们正在做的事情是没有减少碳排放,或者他们这么做只有在小的水平。然而,我认为,他们的行为可以独特影响力的只是因为他们是谁,他们每天都有影响。 This is why advertisers love them. So sustainability needs some rock stars have their own look to these football players. Just some points. Last year, there was a UK team reading that added the climate stripes to their uniform onto the arm. You remember the climate stripes, the warming stripes, each little line that’s vertical is either blue, and then it gets red. It’s representing 1850 to 2018. When it came out before the pandemic, that was pretty cool, but I haven’t thought about it recently. Now I am thinking about it. Because of that. It’s getting it into the conversation. Again, stadiums are advertising that they’re not advertising, but letting us know that they’re using LED lights stadiums are using renewable energy. This year, there’s a Spanish team, a football club, Barcelona, that for the first time the players ditched their private jet that I mentioned rockstars and took the train to a match which was outside Milan. That’s a two and a half hour train ride. It was chartered. And so that’s less sustainable. But this club now has a sustainability director. Last year, the club started calculating its emissions, which again, doesn’t cut emissions. But that’s a step and they’re letting people know about it. There’s another Spanish team in Seville, that the football teams are now going to be traveling to all Spanish matches on high speed train the same train that Barcelona is taking. And fans are given discounted train tickets to the matches. There are also been some symbolic climate friendly actions, vegan food served at stadiums, players cycling to training. Again, this seems like a really small thing. But they’re photographed everywhere they go, somebody notices if they’re not taking their Ferrari to the training, they’re actually cycling instead. In Germany, the train system has this new system that for the region around a stadium, in a large region in Germany, for the three hours before the match. And immediately after the match. The train tickets are free. So they’re trying to well support their teams. Did I say that this was a cult, it is serious. But it’s also encouraging the use of public transportation. Now, if this feels a little bit, here and there, like a scattering of sustainability ideas, that is entirely true. And it’s one of the reasons why it feels genuine, and it should be building. On the other hand, you have FIFA, and you have the Union of European Football Associations. Both organizations have signed the UN’s sports for climate action pledge. However, I haven’t heard too much more about that. So for now, what we’re looking at is these piecemeal things and different clubs. When I say clubs, it’s professional teams, but they call them clubs, different clubs, taking actions and trying to do good. I do think that there’s an impact there.


好吧,扬。你提到了一个运动,近了,亲爱的我的心。我知道一些事情关于美丽的足球游戏,甚至很多关于巴塞罗那。我住在那里,去了一些比赛。但有一个团队,我觉得你要抬头,可能添加到您的列表在可持续发展方面做更多的俱乐部。森林绿的探测器在英格兰。2018年,森林绿探测器成为世界上第一个俱乐部作为碳中和认证。的指导方针下,这是联合国气候变化框架公约》。他们也有与清洁能源合作和AV公司称为完全充电。这实际上领域他们玩的名字。 And so this club is trying to lead the way. I mean, they’re at a smaller, much, much lower level than FC Barcelona or Sofia and stuff like that. But they are leading the way and how game day operations and things like that can be carbon neutral, so I would point our listeners to that club as well. Well, hey, everyone, this was fun. I always enjoy catching up with everybody. Thanks a lot.

现在是时候从Karthik Ramanna,了解更多关于环境责任作为一个额外的背景信息。在2021年末,恋人,从哈佛商学院教授罗伯特•卡普兰公司撰写一篇关于E责任。这篇文章题为占气候变化,出现在《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review),周围有谈话的动力可靠性。所以我们包括链接到那篇文章在今天的笔记,以及链接到一个更新团队提供了今年早些时候。如果你关心气候变化,深入到这些联系,并享受这段对话。大家好,今天谢谢你加入我。我的客人是恋人Ramanna,从牛津。恋人,今天你过得如何?

恋人Ramanna 31:45




恋人Ramanna 32:14




恋人Ramanna 34:09

确定。所以你知道,把你的智能手机,你可能有一个智能手机在你的书桌上或在你的口袋里。智能手机,假设这是一个苹果的手机有1000年代的组件。和这些组件可能是采购几十个,如果不是几百层的供应链。如果你想说,什么是智能手机的总排放量的足迹,当你从商店买了吗?你可能会认为,这就像不可逾越的复杂性的问题,你将永远无法理解。那是什么碳排放水平的精度需要我们称之为一个完整的审计范围的声明。然而,我们能够找出成本与iPhone,虽然弄清楚什么是iPhone的成本,涉及到相同级别的复杂性,对的,现在让我们把组装iPhone的过程。假设你知道,在一个iPhone,你有一定数量的钢。钢反过来是来自一些冶金用煤。 And that metallurgical coal is mined in a factory somewhere, let’s say in Australia, now and the process of mining that coal, I’m emitting a certain amount of emissions into the atmosphere, let’s say on a given day in a mine in Australia, I’m mining one tonne of metallurgical coal, and that one tonne of metallurgical coal is associated with, say, one tonne of co2 emissions, then what the system would do is that at every such direct source of emissions anywhere in a value chain, it would capture that and tokenize it. So for instance, that one tonne of co2 emitted would be tokenized into something like 1 billion tokens of emissions. Now, why do we tokenize it into these atomistic units? It’s because as that underlying one ton of metallurgical coal makes it into hundreds of uses in an economy, so some of that coal will be used in that eventually, in that iPhone, some might be used to produce a thermos flask, some might be used to produce a set of keys, some of that coal might actually driving this, this this video call that we’re on. So as that coal makes it into 1000s of uses, then that that atomized 1 billion tokens will find itself traveling into those uses. Just like you know, you can think of the original cost associated with that coal, being atomized and traveling through various elements of the use of that coal, eventually, when you’re on the back end, or the end of that chain. So for instance, you’re actually dealing with the finished iPhone, then what you’re doing is aggregating the tokens across all of the various sources of direct emissions in that entire value chain. So justice, you can say with a level of precision, that the cost of this iPhone is say $862, or whatever it might be, you can say the emissions associated with this iPhone is 400 million tokens or something like that you can you can put a really good number, a really precise and accurate number that can be audited. And you can do this, by the way with the underlying technology with any product or service in the economy. And the beauty of this is that this system can be basically assured are verified, just like financial statements are verified. And why does that matter? That matters because then you can start writing supply chain contracts to tell your suppliers and their suppliers, what are the you might have, say, for instance, a minimum quality specification, you might have a maximum cost specification. Likewise, you can write into those performance contracts in your supply chain, a maximum emission specification, something that can be assured and audited. So then this basically helps drive decarbonisation in a value chain. So basically, if you understand how vat or value added taxes work, then immediately you understand how the liability system works. And first and foremost, the liability system you want to think of as a management information system that provides you real time information on emissions of any purchase product or service in your supply chain so that you can drive decarbonisation decisions. So that’s how we want people to think of it.



恋人Ramanna 38:29

没错,就是这样。所以你可以用这个基本上,激励你的供应商和他们的供应商开始脱碳操作。您还可以使用该系统来激励自己的生产经理开始脱碳操作。所以我们一直在做的一件事,我们可以进一步讨论研究所,我们发现它的作用推进这种做法,这种方法付诸实践与组织,我们一直想要试验这种方法。有时组织来我们面临一个问题。例如,我们有一个飞行员,我们只是包装了一个大型工业公司电动发电机。和一个关键的组件在发电机铜线。所以问题的一部分,他们试图找出,最好使用回收铜吗?还是最好使用处女开采铜这些发电机吗?答案是,当然,这取决于底层的过程用于绝缘铜和首次使用,因此,底层的焚烧排放回收铜与流程相关的心里用于原始铜。 But if you start measuring these things, and holding basically suppliers in your chains to account for them, then you actually start driving this down. So what you might start off as initial bids on recycled versus virgin copper, you’d say, well, actually in a dynamic situation in real time, as you drive the system into your supply chain, people start saying, Well, next time around, I can give you a lower number because I figured out what the key sources of emissions are in my own processes, and I can cut back on those And that’s what we do with these pilots with companies now,



恋人Ramanna 40:06

的第一个公司,做了一个飞行员在这个空间是一家轮胎公司在印尼被称为GT轮胎。和我将讨论GT,因为他们的结果现在在公共领域。和GT轮胎,基本上,大轮胎制造商非常大的汽车公司,等等。CEO和他们看到的纸我们写底层可靠性篇论文发表在《哈佛商业评论》,他们看到它,他们说,哇,这是伟大的,我们应该试一试。所以他们的质量和创新,给我们打电话说,我想试试这个。当然,那家伙就像,你知道,我甚至开始,怎么我有成百上千的供应商,和他们有数百个供应商等等。所以我们说,嗯,你知道,在第一,如果你是世界上唯一一家轮胎公司这样做,你不需要煮大海。我们所做的是,我们发现四个196年供应商供应链约占85%的排放。所以他说,让我们一起工作这四个在第一种情况下,低垂的果实,如果你是唯一一家做,只是与这四个工作。这四个,三个,我们对本公司的工作很感兴趣,说,好吧,如果你想开始测量东西的个别批次,我们卖给你,然后,我们甚至可以为您提供一些发射下一批的储蓄。 That’s exactly the kind of conversation we want to see. And then when GT finally finished this pilot, they figured out well, this is what the emissions associated with standard passenger sedan car tire that we sell, say to a large automaker is, and then they were able to take that to the automaker, and the automaker was saying, Okay, well, what would it take to bring us lower emissions tire? Right? Okay, well, here’s what it would cost. Additionally, here’s where, you know, you could sort of build sort of a value added marketing around this with your customers and so forth. And so that then became, again, part of this dynamic conversation in the supplier customer relationship, where emissions becomes another unit of engagement, right? So one of the things that really excites me about this approach is it uses the competitive dynamic in companies and in supply chains to actually solve the most urgent problem on the planet, which is climate change. It says, rather than assume that companies will all come together and somehow magically hold hands and suddenly wish away the climate crisis that says, No, what companies are really good at doing is competing with each other over the performance of their products. So let’s build a real time accounting measurement system that allows them to do just that. And as they do that, then suddenly, their competitive instinct, their killer instinct, as companies is aligned to actually solve this problem. And that’s the kind of innovation that we’re seeing in companies now, especially in the leads to companies that are paying attention to this this approach.



恋人Ramanna 43:05




恋人Ramanna 44:02

这是个很好的问题。所以理论的一部分改变你在这个阶段使用会导致你的公司。,也就是说,公司有竞争力的生产过程,签证vie碳排放,所以他们能够产生相同的输出,但是对于低排放相同的质量,有时甚至同样的价格和使用它们基本上开车的采用,不仅在内部,但在他们的供应链。但是对于这个系统工作。最终,我们需要一个地方标准制定者和监管者开始接受这个。我认为当前方法的挑战现在,温室气体的协议,这是这个空间的主要测量方法,是非常良好的意图。我的意思是,当然,这种方法的协议和我们的方法是一致的,我们试图解决气候危机,但这一过程的方法,是真正基于我们所说的鼓舞人心的信息披露,而不是实际的会计,对吧。现在如果你给公司的选择,我们可以拥有你说明它是什么,你说,你的进步你使气候变化还是会让你产生一些,你知道,模糊自顶向下估计,顺便说下,没有人能保证在一个真正的和公平的意义上,因为它是一个模糊的自顶向下估计,然后,当然,大多数公司会选择容易的路线,我的意思是,除非有真正的内部本质,差异化竞争优势,或者有某种的监管要求,你会选择简单的路线。所以我们说我们需要真正得到标准制定者在这个空间,认识到,如果我们想要在气候变化问题上取得真正的进步,我们需要带走,简单,廉价的选择离开公司。我认为这是长期的过渡,我们需要的一部分。 Now, it can’t be very long term in the sense of, you know, we’ve got an urgent climate crisis to solve. So when I say long term, I mean, three to five year agenda. So somebody recently asked me, one of the regulators asked me if, if we were to make you king for a day, how would you implement this system. And basically, this is what I’ve suggested, by the way, no one’s offering to make me king for a day, this was just a hypothetical. But I said, Look, number one, announce as soon as possible, maybe as soon as next month, that for all fiscal years, starting after July 1 2026. So three years from now, any company in your jurisdiction that has over a billion dollars in revenue or equivalent, we’ll have to report under the liability system announced further as a second point that for all fiscal year starting after July 1 2029. So three further years after that, all companies will have to get full scope audits of their reliability reports. So you’re basically giving companies three years to produce their first statement, and three further years to get a full scope audit of it. That’s the six year runway, the third step is really critical to make this work, which is that for any company to whom you are a customer, that is any company that’s supplying into, that doesn’t happen to be using this system, then their inputs will be transferred onto your E balance sheets at the 99th percentile, or the 95th percentile of that products emissions category. Now, that’s the turbo incentive to work with your high emission suppliers to make sure they’re on this system as well. You don’t need to boil the ocean and make all your suppliers comply at once. But you say, Okay, who are those four suppliers that I really need to get on board, and I give them an ultimatum. And I say, Look, you may be in a jurisdiction that’s not embracing this. But if you want to conflict continue to supply to me, I’m giving you a six year window to get on this, if we’re able to create that sort of those rules of the game starting next month, then basically the competitive spirit and sort of you know, the competitive instinct that you see in companies will produce the decarbonisation incentives will produce the software that’s needed for this will produce the assurance products that’s needed for this. And in fact, we’re even already seeing a number of software providers that are producing solutions that will work for the liability principles. So I think we’re moving in the right direction, we just now need to overcome this sort of regulatory cheat option that’s available, where you can continue to sort of, you know, make up a number under scope tree, we have to take that option off the table.



恋人Ramanna 48:55




恋人Ramanna 50:25

这是一个奇妙的问题。你知道,第一个人持有在我们这篇论文发表在2021年11月,负责人是一个大的证券监管机构在世界上。他说,嘿,伙计们,这是一个非常有趣的主意是谁这样做?我们必须说,据我们所知,没有人这样做。我们只是增加在我们的办公室。他说,这是一个问题。你不能建立监管之前没有人做过的事情。你为什么不去让几个人试试,让几家公司试试。所以这就是我们一直关注。大约六个月前,我们创建了可靠性研究所来真正帮助企业,而不仅仅是利润的公司,我们不帮助盈利组织,所以世界各地的卫生系统,一个小政府,等等,接受这一点,我们的学院,就像我说的,不是为了利润,我们给我们的时间这一行动的自由。 And in return, what it is we want is to be able to publish the results of these pilot studies with organizations for wider consumption so that we can get other people to say, hmm, I could do this too. So now obviously, when we publish those results, we anonymize the actual emissions levels, because those might be proprietary, we have no interest in, you know, disclosing proprietary data, our goal is to get more and more people. So to sort of embrace this. So our theory of change is really to work with leads to your organization’s to drive the adoption of this, and then to be able to share the results of that with regulators with standard setters, so that they feel like this is the way to go. And my sense is that in I mean, the Institute is only six months old. So the institute was basically created as a 501. C three, we are incorporated in California, mainly because our founding donor was based there and very generously gave us the support of their legal resources to incorporate it, we run on a shoestring budget. And we have hired now our first full time CEO to drive the volume of pilot requests that are coming our way. And our CEO has actually been able to triple that volume very quickly, which is good news. We also have a small research staff to support effectively our activities. Because you know, my co author and I Bob Kaplan is my co author at Harvard Business School. And I’m here at Oxford, we’re both professors, we have day jobs. And you know, I mean, we we’ve said actually to all the regulators and standard setters we’ve spoken to, we have zero interest of wanting to be standard setters, we’re academics. So the sooner they embrace this, the better because then we can go on to write our next papers. But until they do, we’ve made this a priority for our action research, which is to get as many people into this and embracing this so that we created a critical mass. And obviously, because we are supporting the pilots pro bono, which is to say that we don’t charge the companies for the advice we give them. And the reason we don’t charge them is we want to be able to have complete integrity and publishing whatever it is, we find rather than, you know, the company’s sort of feeling like they can control what we say. So we have to find some way of paying the bills. And we’ve basically relied on philanthropy. So if you have any wealthy friends or foundations that are interested in supporting our work, then please email us. If you can go to E dash liability dot Institute, you will find out more about how to reach us.



恋人Ramanna 54:10

当然,在雷达屏幕上。所以实际上,我们运行第一个e责任研讨会。这将在27日,6月28日。车间组织汇集到一起,在我描述这个试验过程的不同阶段,真正分享最佳实践分享坦率地工作,不工作是什么,他们希望看到更多的帮助。我们还邀请了一些关键的监管机构来参加,还真的在倾听之旅真的提问我们的试点企业。我们渴望与那些愿意会议本身研讨会邀请仅仅是因为我们是一个小而不是利润。我们没有资源,真正说出金博宝188来。所以我们不能有一个大的设置或类似的东西。但你知道,如果你感兴趣,然后去我们的网站,这是E冲刺点研究所和责任有一个申请表格,你可以申请参加研讨会和我们的团队会有和你联系,我们认为有一个使它的工作方式是,在人或虚拟人在伦敦,伦敦气候行动周的一部分。所以我们肯定会尝试做更多的讲座我们分享更多的信息。 But we really take our initial sort of, you know, conversation with that regulator that I mentioned, who said, Get a few companies to try this out and share the results. We’ve taken that very seriously. That’s why we created this institute. So our goal is really to drive as much high quality research into this as we can, and to make that research all in the public domain as quickly as we can, so that we can get, you know, the regulatory conversation going. That said, I mean, we’re academics. So you know, it is we have no power in this process, other than the power to do research, and and then it’s really up to the political forces at play to determine how this is embraced and adapted. Someone once asked me the question, this is such an obvious solution, of course, you’re going to succeed, why wouldn’t you succeed? And I said, Well, I can imagine one reason why we wouldn’t succeed. And that’s if the world is not serious about addressing climate change, because this solution really does require organizations to be held to account for their various netzero claims. And if for instance, we imagine for a moment that we weren’t serious about those claims, then why would we want such a rigorous system in place? And that thought has crossed my mind? You know, if you think about it today, when a CFO of an organization or well, actually CFOs are really smart, they don’t make this claim. But when any kind of organization makes a net zero claim. It’s sort of like, if a CFO would say our profits in the year 2050 will be one kajillion chinchillas. And you’ll be like, wait a minute, what is a kajillion? And what is the chinchilla? Like a net zero claim today is made in an unmeasurable unit of unmeasurable quantity. What this approach does is actually bring a rigorous measurement unit and a full scope audit to that claim, in a way that if someone is claiming to be net zero by 2030, that’s just impossible. Because we know that decarbonizing supply chains, to that extent, in such a short window, is almost entirely impossible, given how certain essential supply chains in the economy work. So now the purpose of having this kind of truth telling is then we can get realistic about what the budgets are, what actions need to be taken, etc, right? So if we’re collectively fooling ourselves into thinking, we’re managing this problem, then that’s a reason not to embrace a system like this. But if we want to get serious about it, then we got to start telling the truth.



恋人Ramanna 58:23




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