













什么事每一个人,以及可再生能源SmartPod欢迎。我是你的主人肖恩·麦克马洪说道。今天我们会照一些阳光太阳能产业部门的一段,我不认为大多数人都熟悉社区太阳能。在一分钟内,我要加入了Kacie彼得斯。Kacie是通信的高级主管在主能量。她将陪我们走过社区太阳能的基础知识,以及为什么它正迅速成为一个受欢迎的选择消费者和组织正在寻找省钱而太阳能的利用绿色能源。但是在我们听到Kacie之前,只是一个快速提醒给一听一些最近的节目,我们最近的事件,布利茨斯坦吉尔从美国航空公司充满了伟大的见解如何跨国公司像美国正在入夜之后的方法来提高他们的可持续发展。展望未来,我们的下一集,我们将加入了IHI terrassen茉莉花罗宾逊。发展一个强大的和多样化的劳动力是一个关键的优先考虑的可再生能源产业。所以茉莉花突出的重要作用干细胞项目和其他项目可以吸引更多的女性可再生能源领域。 Jasmine’s own journey into this industry is fascinating. So I think you’ll enjoy hearing her share her story. So there’s lots of great episodes coming up. But for now, let’s talk community solar with Kacie Peters from Pivot Energy.


彼得斯Kacie 01:46




彼得斯Kacie 01:55




彼得斯Kacie 03:30

是的,我认为第一,联合社区太阳能访问,或CCSA,已经开始称之为太阳能民主化,因为它是所有访问。有很多研究说,至少50%,一些人,多达70%的美国人不能访问屋顶太阳能,因为他们不拥有自己的建筑,因为屋顶是阴影,因为没有足够的空间,大量的原因。但社区太阳能允许他们参与清洁能源,通过订阅。这是惊人的。它还可以低到中等收入家庭,而传统的太阳能。因为屋顶太阳能需要信用检查,需要住房需要很多不同的东西。可访问性,我认为最大的好处是社区太阳能,但其他几块,它是可伸缩的,可伸缩的网格分布。所以做一些你知道的,我的背景是在住宅太阳能早在2010年。然后我做了一些商业,太阳能中小型商用太阳能。很多这些项目需要大量的工作才能完成。 It’s just like developing a large commercial project, but you get to have so many other participants. And then I’d say the third biggest benefit is just the economic benefits it brings to local communities. So especially with the IRA, or the inflation Reduction Act, we’re seeing the promotion of putting solar in communities that have been left behind from oil and gas and coal. And we can build these projects because they’re on the distribution level, we can build these projects in communities, and in parts of the grid where it’s most needed. So accessible, scalable, and economic benefits.



彼得斯Kacie 05:36

是的,它是,通常情况下,所以我要在这里说话很笼统,因为每个市场都是不同的。但平均来说,是绝对免费订阅社区太阳能。所以你没有支付预付一笔成本就像屋顶系统。你知道,这是类似于当你融资太阳能。但更有趣的是,大部分产品为社区太阳能这些天保证储蓄产品。所以我们要做的是而不是说,你有可能开始的电力购买协议,你知道,八美分和升级。在这种情况下,我们说,不管构建信用是什么,你会得到一个折扣。这些折扣。真的,平均而言,这是大约10%。但是对于低到中等收入或收入合格的家庭,我们看到这些上涨20%到100%,捐赠的学分。 In fact, Pivot Energy has 41 megawatts of community solar getting developed in Colorado right now. That’s going to be 100%. Donated credits. So free and saving money for for everyone.



彼得斯Kacie 06:57

是的,你可以告诉,我很兴奋社区太阳能。我有时候,你知道,我要去看医生,和我,你知道,我的体重检查。我会向护理助理说,嘿,你知道我做什么谋生?社区太阳能,这听起来就像一个骗局?但它不是吗?嗯,我想说,我认为这是一个大问题。我们看到很多玩从零售能源供应商在过去一直糟糕的演员。当消费者面临选择的能源提供者,可以有点怀疑,或者他们会说,这怎么不同我过去了?甚至其他太阳能产品吗?他们,你知道,混淆了两个,这是如何不同于屋顶太阳能安装,或PPA,所以,只是听起来好得令人难以置信。 And then you have to get consumers to fill out a ton of paperwork, I am completely supportive of consumer protection. I just know that in some cases, some states have had arduous processes, there was one state that had an eight page disclosure agreement that a customer was supposed to sign. And when you start seeing the contract from the provider, plus eight pages of what could go wrong, that can be a little nerve racking. So I think getting a balance between what consumers should be protected from and how much they need to know, is really something that developers and regulators can work on together. But that education piece can also be pushed by the utility. I mean, I think if the utilities come out and say, Hey, we’ve got this program, it sounds more legitimate than someone coming and knocking door to door. And right now, most solar community solar is done through a really high touch process. We’ve got, you know, people out in the field, knocking on doors, saying, Have you heard about community solar, and that’s already an uncomfortable situation. So pivot has been really focused on how we can make community solar more like E commerce, we have a platform called Sun Central, in which we enroll and manage subscribers. And we do a lot of that education, because we know that we need community solar to scale. And part of that is having an easy way for customers to experience the entire, you know, sign up through Bill crediting through paying an invoice. And then I say another, just big challenges. I say, interconnection, if you are listening to this, and you have done anything in solar, in the past, you know, two years, you know that interconnection is a challenge, where it’s not quite as bad as the utility scale space. But it is a big challenge. As we are looking to scale the inflation Reduction Act is going to really supercharge the community solar market. And we need to know we can interconnect quickly and affordably to continue to give these residents and businesses that discounts that that we say we can. And then finally I would just say one last bit is that there’s really no uniform community solar policy. Every state has a different part. Government, every state has different rules. And that’s totally normal. Working in the industry now for about 13 years, I’ve seen different states go well, and states go not so great. And it’s the same in community solar. But what has been heartening to me is, as new states open up for community solar, so we have 20 states with legislation, as new states come on board, they sort of tried to one up the last state that was successful. So they say, I like what New York did, and I like what Illinois did. So I’m gonna do a hybrid of those two things. And that’s really great. But the complexity makes it hard to say, I’m gonna have this standard offered across all of my projects. My Portfolio.







彼得斯Kacie 11:01




彼得斯Kacie 12:28




彼得斯Kacie 13:08

是的,我们做了一个很酷的订阅和普韦布洛动物园。这只是一些东西在科罗拉多州,但爱动物园社区太阳能的一部分。然后也很整洁,我们所有的项目,我们显然将提供订阅人喜欢学区等。但是我们尽量给每一个我们的项目。所以要么他们参与,在大多数情况下,他们参与程序本身,这个项目,但还有其他像我们做了一个与奥罗拉社区学院的合作,这是一个县在科罗拉多州,并不一定只是给他们一个订阅,但投资于员工发展。因此不仅在科罗拉多,但全国各地。当我们做项目。我们投资在这些社区。所以我们来和我们说,嘿,你需要什么?我们需要教育奖学金吗? Do we need energy bill assistance? In New York, we gave a donation to a group called the pride of Ticonderoga, which does energy assistance for low income families. And what’s really neat there is we’re able to sort of help reduce the energy burden for those households, and then ultimately, eventually, have those folks subscribe to our projects. So it’s really neat to have those partnerships with nonprofits, and to be able to give back to communities to create that additional economic development for everyone.



彼得斯Kacie 48




彼得斯Kacie 15:57




彼得斯Kacie 17:59

是的,我认为这是另一种工具的工具箱。正确的。所以我认为,加州改变他们的净计量的原因之一是因为他们想激励计划对太阳能部署,正确的。那么我们如何打败鸭子曲线?和所有的这些问题,你听说过在加州,社区,太阳能允许这些稍大的项目没有进入公用事业规模,现在让人能够受益于太阳能屋顶上他们没有?所以我不认为这是我不认为它是为了取代,你知道,传统的住宅太阳能市场。但是我认为,它将软化的冲击有多少人你能知道,我们现在的社区为屋顶太阳能市场,因为经济不为他们工作。加州是一个有趣的案例,因为加州很长一段时间,我相信在2015年,他们签署了社区太阳能立法和推出了一个程序,但是这是一个真正设计不良项目,创建了一个高端产品。所以你没有储蓄从太阳能,你支付更多参与社区太阳能。现在他们终于重新评估,评估净计量。 They pass new legislation for community solar, and we’re in the regulatory discussions as to what that’s going to look like. And I think that the net metering debate and new rules will probably factor into what the new community solar program looks like, and how we can make sure that all Californians have access to to a solar product that makes sense for them. Florida is kind of interesting, because you’ll hear some people say that Florida has the biggest market for community solar, but that’s because it’s the utility on solar. And, you know, those of us in the development space. Don’t consider that what is true community solar. We think that community solar is on the distribution side of of the grid, and that it can compete with utility utilities, when they get to run their own programs have specific competitive advantages that can undercut what a traditional developer could do. And that ultimately could stymie new product development that we’re doing all the time.



彼得斯Kacie 20:28

你知道,我知道CCSA说类似30千瓦到2030年,这是一个巨大的数字。而今天我们所拥有的。我忘记我们在现在。但是我认为这是一个,你知道,几千瓦。所以我们我们会显著增长。所以但我真的认为在接下来的几年里,和社区太阳能是你会看到很多公司将所有LMI,和股票,我想说几年前在太阳能、和社区太阳能,它几乎是不可能定义安西项目住宅没有信用检查,100%的项目甚至会允许低到中等收入家庭访问社区太阳能、或允许收入合格家庭访问社区太阳能。但是我们真正创新融资在过去,你知道,三年真的开始说,嘿,我们不需要信用检查。现在我们可以从社区太阳能,大多只是企业和承销很像PPA住宅,但我们必须有信用检查没有信用检查现在。我认为通货膨胀减少X, LMI的好处,我们会看到更多的人进入收入合格和支持这些,这些家庭和为他们的新产品。所以我认为这将是一个重要因素。 I also think that community solar signup is going to be a lot more like E commerce. Again, we’re working on that here, with our Sun central product, trying to figure out what smart partnerships we can get to be able to enroll customers with a trusted brand, maybe partner with some corporates to say, hey, let’s just sign you up since you already use our products. So that’s, that’s really exciting. Let’s make that barrier to entry really low. And then finally, I think seeing community solar to spread into just different states, I’d love to see, you know, the traditional red states, just understand that this opportunity is there for them is there for their landowners is there for their communities and be able to, to benefit. So I want to see, like 35 states with community solar in like three years. That’d be my bold prediction.



彼得斯Kacie 22:59

是的,我认为现在的事情之一出现整个行业,不仅对社区太阳能,但我们看到这在公用事业规模太阳能最严重。我们看到它最初在风,但是很多我们称之为造势,这意味着黑暗钱组织种植人传播虚假信息的信息。所以你会看到这些社区Facebook群组说太阳能电池板是有毒的,或引起癌症的太阳能电池板。这些显然是不真实的陈述,但你得到这个情绪反应。所以它开始的风力涡轮机。每个人都说,他们把我逼疯了。然后它是大型太阳能设施,哦,我不希望在我的在我的区域。这里有很多原因。现在。我们看到他们甚至在我们的项目。 And our projects are, you know, less than 30 acres. So we’re seeing them on smaller and smaller projects. And we’re seeing that this is coming from a concerted effort from dark money. And it’s hard to combat that. But I think we need to be more proactive. Part of my reelection to the Colorado solar and storage associations board was a commitment to coming up with a campaign to combat disinformation and misinformation. And part of it is educating the decision makers in permit hearings. So your county commissioners, your planning board and all that. But even if you tell them, Yes, they understand everything. They understand that solar panels aren’t toxic. They understand that this is not going to destroy habitat. They understand all those positive things that are the truth. Once they get into a permit hearing, and there are people crying and screaming, and just really upset and viscerally angry. It’s kind of hard and to be able to stand up in the face of that. And I think it’s the canary in the coal mine right now. And I think it’s going to get worse because the inflation Reduction Act is going to be promoting solar in areas that just haven’t had had it before and promoting a whole lot more solar in areas that have had it. So I get concerned about that. I know sia has been thinking about how to combat that disinformation as well. And I’m hoping that as an industry, we can all come together to spread more positive messages about solar. I think solar speaks for itself, right. It’s everything I said, it’s saving money saving the planet, it’s investing in communities. So why do we have to say anything else? It speaks for itself? Well, you know, not everyone knows all those things. And it only takes a few, you know, rotten apples to spoil the bunch. So let’s make sure that we’re always promoting the benefits of solar and standing up to folks who are trying to spread those disinformation and lies.



彼得斯Kacie 26:14




彼得斯Kacie 26:24




