



为了使全球经济的一个重要部门脱碳,世界银行的尼古拉斯·佩尔蒂埃-蒂伯格(Nicolas Peltier-Thiberge)分享了最近一份报告的细节,该报告分析了中低收入国家电动汽车的经济性。









2:23 -世界银行报告的目的
6:51 -报告的主要发现
10:40 -交通政策影响
13:01 -创新项目克服财政障碍
18:25 -能源政策影响
20:26 -误入歧途的电动汽车激励*
24:51 -公共和私营部门的互动
26:26 -尼古拉斯参加COP27的主要收获
29:20 -大胆的预测











马上,我将请到世界银行基础设施业务组运输部门全球主任Nicolas Peltier-Thiberge。现在,当大多数人想到电动汽车时,他们会想到特斯拉或rivian。我想到的是福特f150闪电。事实是,电动汽车的菜单正在迅速扩大。但这些电动汽车大多在美国、欧洲和中国等地的道路和城市中行驶,尼古拉斯和世界银行团队的其他成员撰写的这份报告聚焦于中低收入国家电动汽车建设投诉中的作用。在大多数旅行里程的国家,都是乘坐两轮车辆、三轮车辆或公共汽车。我在今天的节目笔记中附上了这份报告的链接,因为我觉得它很迷人。你亦可在网页上浏览报告及其他相关资料www.WorldBank.org/MovingToZero



EDF Renewables是市场领先的独立电力生产商和服务提供商,在陆上和海上风能、太阳能、储能和电动汽车充电系统开发方面拥有超过35年的专业知识。EDF可再生能源:用你的方式提供能源。


大家好,感谢大家今天的到来。我的嘉宾是来自世界银行的Nicolas Peltier-Thiberge。尼古拉斯,你今天怎么样?





Nicolass Peltier-Thiberge 02:44

肖恩,让我退一步告诉你为什么这很重要。今天世界上有10亿辆汽车,根据某些预测,到2050年我们应该有20到30亿辆汽车。这是当今世界上汽车的两倍或三倍。我们知道这些新增的汽车大部分将来自发展中国家和新兴经济体。机动化是发展的自然结果。事实上,我们在世界银行做过一些研究表明,当人均收入翻倍时,机动化水平会提高40%。所以汽车数量增加了40%这显然是件好事,因为人们变得更富有,他们有机会搬家,这让他们有机会找到工作,获得经济机会,获得社会服务,但这也有一些影响。从气候变化的角度来看。我们知道,目前交通运输的排放量约占全球排放量的四分之一,它们是排放最快的来源,交通运输相关的排放量代表8千亿吨二氧化碳,如果机动化趋势继续发展,它们将达到180千亿吨,而我们应该在2030年达到10亿吨。 If we want to stay on track with a 1.5 degree scenario under the Paris accord knows, so that’s the key to the of the problem we are facing at get on today. 18. If we don’t do anything to that we must achieve by 2031 is there on track. Now transport decarbonisation is therefore a very important imperative. This is something that we take very seriously at the World Bank and it’s actually one of our top priority today. In the countries we work with. You know, we work with many developing and emerging nations all over the world, the way we frame our transport decarbonisation work is usually by using a common framework that is well known in the in the transport community called the vote shift and improve a framework. So avoid means avoiding unnecessarily traveling, for example, we can achieve that by densifying cities, bringing people closer to their jobs. Shift means shifting to cleaner modes of transportation, this can be public transportation, this can be biking, walking, you know, with COVID, there was a renewed interest of people in, in biking, it can be moving to rail transport, moving to river based transport, and then improve means improve the carbon efficiency of each mode of transport. And that’s where electric mobility becomes relevant. So the question we, we asked ourselves before launching this report is that, in many countries all over the world are interested in electric vehicle today or in the the growth is is spectacular. You know, the vehicles represent 9% of the global market today, they are expected to reach 13% By the end of this year, they are on the track, double digit increase for some markets segment. But many of that is currently happening, essentially, in the enrich nation. So And the question we were asking is, is that a relevant solution for the developing world? And we have many countries who are approaching us today, and asked us look, I see all these transition happening. Can you help us assess whether this is relevant? And how we can push this agenda? And for what market segments? I mean, is it for electric cars? Is it for electric motorbikes? Is it for electric versus where should we start? And how can we do that? So that report really started from from that question, and, and we try to answer all those issues through this research.

Sean McMahon 06:51


Nicolass Peltier-Thiberge 06:54

我们来谈谈我们现在使用的方法。所以我们所做的就是从20个国家中选择一个样本来代表我们经常合作的国家的多样性。从非常低收入的国家,脆弱的国家,到相当发达的新兴经济体。在这些国家,我们看到了一个场景,他们将逐步在所有细分市场引入电动汽车,还有电动汽车、电动摩托车,我们称之为两轮和三轮车,这在许多发展中国家非常相关,还有电动巴士。我们设想了这样一种情况,这些国家将达到30%的新汽车将在2030年投入市场,然后我们消除了所有的财政扭曲,因为通常情况是,我的意思是,许多国家,汽油征税,电力补贴,这并不总是正确的,有一些变化,但通常情况下,这就是发生的事情。这就造成了一些扭曲在你评估电动汽车项目的经济性时。我们删除了所有,然后我们赚钱你可以得到的好处,从电动汽车,例如,温室气体排放,我们使用碳的价格,每吨40美元是非常合理的,从那些全球温室气体排放的好处,我们也从空气污染的好处,因为这是一个非常重要的结果,电动汽车,在许多城市,在发展中国家,我们空气污染是一个严重的问题。事实上,现在世界上有45亿人正死于空气污染。所以这是一个巨大的健康挑战,不是超越你能获得的全球利益,而是对我们合作的许多国家的健康和发展真正的挑战。所以,我们也将这些好处货币化。 And then we did our traditional cost benefit analysis and economic evaluation of those programs at the fight finding are quite striking because in the 20 countries that we studied, in fact, in 17 of them, there is a strong economic case for the two and three wheelers, those electric motorbikes, you know, they are moto taxis that are commonly used in many countries. And in 16 of those 20 countries, there is an economic case for electric buses. Now, individual cars is a different issue. They are still very expensive for most people, the charging infrastructure is not developed. So the case is, is not as strong and in fact, in only a few countries, individual cars would be relevant solution today, but it may be in the future. But really, there is a very strong case today for these markets six months four to one, three wheelers on and electric buses. And so that’s really a very important conclusion. That tells us that those countries are totally right. When they are asking themselves, Well, should we start thinking about electrifying our fleet? And looking into, into immobility?

Sean McMahon 10:26


Nicolass Peltier-Thiberge 10:58




Nicolass Peltier-Thiberge 13:17

像印度这样的国家所做的,是一个非常创新的融资解决方案,就是与融资部门和银行合作。因为现在的情况是,在印度这样的国家,如果你想买一辆电动自行车或摩托车,你得到的融资条件比传统的自行车或摩托车要优惠得多,我想给你一个非常具体的例子,我的意思是,通常情况下,如果你去印度的银行,在购买电动摩托车的项目中,你可能会得到21%的到期利率。还款期是24个月,而如果你买的是传统的等价物。电子内部转换,vi call,你可能会得到16% 36个月的融资期限,这也反映了金融机构对这个市场的风险认知,因为他们不知道。这是新的,他们没有。因此,印度一直在做的是我们能否设计一些风险分担机制来降低金融机构对每股风险的看法。所以他们建立了所谓的第一次和第二次损失保证机制,我们一直在与他们合作,试图优化这些解决方案,以降低风险,然后希望降低条款,与传统的A型车相同。这是一个另一个方法是非常相关的23个车夫,我们看了很多很多利益,印度将会实现,因为如果是如何工作的,这是一个解决方案,它可以被复制在许多其他国家,你知道,在非洲,包括一些现在,在卢旺达等国,你知道,80%的乘客,在这个国家的iCall公里完成两三米,不,所以这是人们移动的基本方式,所以你知道,如果印度的解决方案有效,那么下一个将是肯尼亚的Ronda,所有这些非洲国家都有23轮车,所以这是一个相关的解决方案,将准备好复制它。最后,另一种解决前期融资挑战的方法是,印度一直在做的事情,还有其他一些国家试图产生规模经济,并希望通过推出更大的招标来拉动需求。 For example, one problem is if one single city wants to start an electric bus program, at most, they are going to procure a few 100. buses. So that’s not enough to lower the cost no, because just the the number is so small, but what a country like India has been doing is then they instead of letting each city do their own tendering, the pooled several cities and several states, and they were able to launch tendering processes of 5000 besties, they have these, what they call the big challenge now where they want to reach a 50,000 besties, which would be a total game changer in the electric buses industry. And that will generate enormous economies of scale. And based on the what has already been achieved in India, but also in Chile, we observe usually a cost reduction of something like 30%, sometimes up to 50%. So that’s really a way to drive costs down and, and address this upfront cost. Problem. No. So that’s a few ideas that are out there right now that are being tested by countries that look very, very promising. And so the World Bank, you know, we’re trying to help those countries in on both the advisory but also, we are a bank. So we try also to to help on the financing side to implement those solutions.







Nicolass Peltier-Thiberge 18:36

所以在能源方面,一个常见的问题是我们现在应该停止吗?或者我们应该等到电网现在干净了,尤其是在那些电网很多的国家?哪里的电力主要来自化石燃料?如果电力是由煤产生的,那么给舰队通电有意义吗?所以我们调查了一下,我们的发现和这个领域的其他研究非常一致。结论是,这是有道理的。即使在我们研究的哈萨克斯坦这样的国家,大部分电力来自化石燃料,我们也发现每乘客公里的温室气体排放量有所减少。原因很简单。这与电动汽车的相对能源效率有关。这些是内燃机哦,它的工作原理是电动发动机将能量转化为运动的比例是87%到91%,而内燃机可能不到20%。 And in the countries where we work with, we have the feat is very obsolete, so many old cars used cars, that efficiency is actually even even lower. And so So that’s what’s happening now. Even if the electricity is not clean, you gain so much from this efficiency gain of transitioning into electric mobility that at the end, you get some, some GHG. Sitting. So that’s one really important conclusion. And that from the policy implication there is that we shouldn’t wait, no, we shouldn’t be sequential, no, first you clean the grid, and then you move into electric vehicles, you can do that in parallel. The second conclusion on the which is totally different on the power side is the importance of charging infrastructure, you know, the different type of, of way to introduce some incentives to push for the adoption of electric vehicles, and in many countries, most of the rich nations because it’s very costly getting some premiums, some grants to households to buy an electric car, in some country, you can get $12,000, if you buy an electric car. So what we did is we compare the, what would happen if you take the same amount of money, and instead of putting it to incentivize the acquisition of vehicle, you put that in charging infrastructure, and the result was at the impact to accelerate, the acquisition of electric vehicles would be six times higher.

Sean McMahon 21:17


Nicolass Peltier-Thiberge 21:33

这就是我们的发现。这就是我们的发现。所以六倍,哇,好吧,更有效的激励?在某种程度上,这并不令人惊讶。我不知道如果你有电动汽车,我有。我总是担心我旅行的时候能找到充电器吗?不。所以在个人决定转向电动汽车时,充电基础设施的可用性和密度起着巨大的作用。这项研究告诉我们,当你购买电动汽车时,它甚至比获得奖金更重要。所以,你知道,这是一个结论,可能对发展中国家不太相关,因为他们中只有少数人会研究个人汽车,但Eber看到,和23轮车,充电有点不同。 Now you can find ways during to charge during the during the night of the car, but it is still quite important to have a look at whether the energy supply can follow. So our conclusion in the 20 countries that we studied is that in general, the impact on the energy demand is going to be relatively limited. Also from the fact that remember, we looked at a scenario where it’s 30% of new cars now. So before the entire stock of vehicles becomes electricity, it will take some time in 2030, that impact on the energy supply is going to be relatively limited. We found 1%, around 1%, in most of the countries we looked at, however, there are some countries and I’m thinking about some of the poorest countries, we work with countries in the Sahel like Burkina Faso, for them, it can be an issue, if you accelerate too quickly, the spreading of 23 wheelers, at some point, you’re gonna hit the wall on the issue of energy supply and your energy supply will not be able to follow. So that’s something to keep in mind for those countries. And basically, it means that what what can be done now to, to in parallel, increase access to electricity and develop and develop a energy supply. Yeah, so I think on the on the power side, I mean, these are some of the some of the conclusion perhaps one additional conclusion from the that work that we did was, is are the fiscal implications, because you remember I mentioned that we, in our study, we removed all the fiscal distortions, the subsidies to electricity, the taxis to gasolina. So we looked into what are the implications if you transition aggressively into electric mobility? What are going to be the impact on your fiscal revenues, though, and the conclusion there is that as long as you’re in the early phase of that transition is relatively limited. Couple of percent at most in the countries that we studied, but at some point, it’s going to be an issue. So So you have to anticipate that and think about a world of fiscal reforms that we need to do in order to keep our budget balance. No one our fiscal stunning, sustainable.



Nicolass Peltier-Thiberge 25:16




Nicolass Peltier-Thiberge 26:34

是的,我是。我在那里,这非常有趣,因为在过去的杯赛中,交通部门一直处于次要地位,没有得到那么多的关注,这是有原因的,你知道,能源是最重要的,有一些很好的理由,交通是问题的一部分,因此可以成为解决方案的一部分。我认为,在格拉斯哥举行的第26届世界杯对我们来说是一个转折点,对我们这些在交通运输部门工作的人来说,因为在英国的领导下,交通运输重新回到了人们的关注中,我们成立了零排放车辆过渡委员会,我们发起了一项倡议,并创建了一个新的融资工具,叫做全球设施,来降低交通运输的碳排放,我们收到了来自英国,荷兰,卢森堡和德国的26笔重要的捐款,我们现在正在使用这些资金,帮助那些发展中国家和新兴经济体参与E交通战略,这个基金已经很活跃,我们正在支持我在印度提到的所有工作,部分资金来自这个新设施。例如,我们正在帮助像加纳这样的国家,研究在他们的公共交通系统中引入电动巴士的经济效益,我们今天有大约44项活动,你知道,在我们合作的国家推动不动议程。有趣的是,我认为格拉斯哥会议开启了一种势头,并在第27届COP会议上持续下去。在Shamal, checkout,有很多关于新的机动性的讨论,不仅仅是关于交通,例如英国的脱碳,在他们的零排放汽车委员会项目之后推出了一项新的倡议,他们称之为快速反应机制。我们的想法是建立一个类似一站式商店的系统,为那些有兴趣开始新的流动项目的国家提供帮助,帮助他们识别并获得多种资源,帮助他们知道我们是这个机制的一部分。金博宝188印度是沙姆沙伊赫第一个签署协议以获得这一快速反应机制支持的国家。我认为这看起来很有希望。 And now I think that future cops are we’re already starting conversation for cop 28 with the UAE and I, I’m confident that this is going to remain high on the agenda in the in the future.



Nicolass Peltier-Thiberge 29:45


Sean McMahon 30:46


Nicolass Peltier-Thiberge 30:56



好了,这就是我们今天的节目。但在我们结束之前,我想最后感谢今天节目的独家赞助商,EDF Renewables。

