



从生产税收抵免和投资税收抵免到各种奖金抵免,以及投资基金和散户投资者在新的税收抵免市场上开始交易的潜力,来自Vinson & Elkins的Lauren Collins涵盖了所有内容。





劳伦·柯林斯的合伙人。Vinson & Elkins从生产税收抵免和投资税收抵免到各种奖金抵免,以及投资基金和散户投资者在新的税收抵免市场上开始交易的潜力,柯林斯全面介绍了IRA中过多的税收优惠措施如何促进美国可再生能源的部署。她还强调了爱尔兰共和军不幸忽视的能源难题的一个关键领域。


3:44 -法案中最重要的税收方面- PTC, ITC,独立存储,奖金抵免

6:00 -新的技术中立信用制度和为较小的参与者提供公平的竞争环境

9:09 -信贷弹性条款(直接支付和可转让)

12:20 -奖励积分和“叠加”(国内内容,能源社区和低收入)

17:10 -现行工资规定

19:26 -氢、核和碳捕获利用与储存(CCUS)如何?

23:38 -为制造业、矿产和矿业税收抵免留出空间

26:15 -爱尔兰共和军的哪些方面被夸大了?

28:21 -税收抵免和税务专业人员的新行业和市场

29:30 -立法中“缺失的部分”

30:27 -立法的哪些方面在雷达下飞行?传播遗漏

33:30 -大胆的预测-信贷投资基金进入金融市场…散户投资者也是如此!

更多资源来金博宝188自Vinson & Elkins







现在,你们中读过我们的通讯的人,可再生能源智能简报,说实话,你们都应该读这个通讯。毕竟,在本播客每集的节目笔记中都有一个注册链接。无论如何,那些读过时事通讯的人都知道,我,尤其是,现在有一些鸡蛋在我的脸上。你看,我从小就是花生漫画的粉丝。几个月来,我一直在把参议员乔·曼钦和其他民主党人跳舞比作《花生漫画》,还有当查理·布朗想踢足球时,露西总是捣乱。曼钦就是露西。剩下的民主党人是查理·布朗(Charlie Brown),而提议的立法是足球,但遗憾的是,最后提到了足球,尽管一个更小的球在原地足够让民主党人踢它。所以当那个球在空中飘过,我夏天的最后几周,飞出了窗外。但这没关系,因为我正在全力报道未来几年可能成为关键政策制定的事情。






Lauren Collins 02:59




Lauren Collins 03:09




Lauren Collins 03:56

确定。我从最上面开始。我的意思是,我认为最大的方面是可再生能源税收抵免。我们看到了传统税收抵免的变化或延长,我在职业生涯的大部分时间里都在与之打交道。所以我说的是将生产税收抵免延长到2032年,如果不是更晚的话,我们也会看到投资税收抵免在同一时间延长。我们可以了解更多细节。但基本上,这涉及到将目前的信用额度延长到2025年。然后过渡到这个很酷的技术中性信用制度,这将让我们到2032年及以后,其中包括一个独立的存储税收抵免。我们以前没有过这种情况,你必须把你的存储与可再生资产整合起来才能获得资格,这基本上是一种痛苦。所以这项新法规给了我们更多的存储灵活性,我不需要告诉你这对我们的电网是如此重要。 There’s also extensions of 45 Q for carbon capture to reduce co2 emissions, obviously very important for our country and the environment as a whole. And the amount of the credits are really expanded, they have these new bonus credits, which are novel in this legislation, you can kind of stack them on top of each other. So the amount that you’re getting back and as an investment in these technologies, is really hyped up. So it’s going to bring that much more capital in for people that are interested in doing these deals. But maybe they haven’t made sense economically, this legislation might turn the corner on that and make it so that they start to look attractive.




所以这项立法很酷的一点是,我实际上认为它在为许多技术创造公平竞争环境方面做得很好。正如我提到的,有一种新的技术中性信用制度。在过去的几年里,这个问题已经讨论了很长一段时间,但从未真正成为立法。目前的基本思想是,这些学分已经写的方式,有一个列表的非常具体的项目和技术资格,你知道,也许10左右事情的每个生产税收抵免和投资税收抵免,我们不得不满足这种狭隘的定义可再生项目,政府选择了喜欢的税收优惠制度,这个新的立法,和新技术中立的信贷,特别是在2025年,踢去掉那个列表。所以没有更多的,你知道的,10个左右的技术清单。相反,你所要做的,我不应该说你所要做的因为这很难,但你所要做的就是你有一个零温室气体排放量。当然,像太阳能和风能这样的技术,不会产生温室气体,它们符合条件。但是,还有很多其他的东西也可以成为能源,我们甚至都不知道,它们正在开发中,你知道,比我聪明得多的人一直在努力创新,它们在未来可能会成为我们能源结构的重要组成部分。因此,它不会选择赢家和输家,而是允许市场、创新者和企业家提出技术,同时仍能获得这些税收抵免的好处,这使它们更经济,并可能成为我们能源结构的游戏规则改变者。 So if I think it’s the right move for the government to make, you know, I think it’s one of the smarter pieces of this legislation, you know, can also talk a little bit about the market participants, because I think there’s there’s a good deal of leveling the playing field for folks that want to get into the industry. And, you know, that really comes with the credit flexibility that the legislation has incorporated. So basically, you don’t need to be a huge sponsor developer to take advantage of these tax credits. There’s new provisions in there that would allow smaller developers to monetize tax credits. And people that want to invest in these types of industries and projects, who hadn’t been able to in the past can now enter the market in a way that’s not so burdensome or expensive to do.

Sean McMahon 09:08


Lauren Collins 09:16

基本上有两个新的条款是关于信贷灵活性的。有一个直接支付条款,我们在去年年底推出的重建更好法案中看到了这一点。这个想法基本上是,不是从你的所得税义务中获得税收抵免,它有点像拨款,你在纳税申报单中填写表格。你等了一段时间,然后政府给你一张支票,上面的金额是你在通货膨胀减少法案立法中本应得到的信贷金额。他们从最初的基础上做了一些改变,重建得更好。基本上,他们只对免税或政府实体进行了限制。所以,你知道,它不能是普通的纳税人,你知道,你的普通公司,或者,你知道,开发一个项目并希望赚取利润的开发商将无法使用直接支付。但你可能有市政当局或私人股本基金,他们的所有者可以免税,现在可以投资这些项目。然后他们没有得到税收抵免,而是从政府那里得到了直接付款。碳捕获、氢和先进制造业的免税使用规则有一个例外,这基本上是制造业生产信用。 And I think that I think they kind of picked those credits to be exempt. In other words, any taxpayer can use them for 45 Q and hydrogen in particular, because it kind of gives those technologies a bit of like a testing period, where we’ll let you do this direct payment. Without, you know, without you having to test out your technology, you can kind of rely on the government to finance you for at least the first five years. And then the direct payment goes away, and you have to come up with another way to finance those credits. But at least you’ve proven your technology by that time. The other ones transferability. This is isn’t as complicated as direct fate. But I think it’s much more powerful. And it may be for that reason, basically, you can sell your tax credits. So the I’m a tax lawyer, primarily have done Tax Equity over the past decade. And, you know, the underpinnings of the you know, kind of law in that area, is you cannot sell tax credits. And, you know, we’ve worked so so hard to structure transactions, so they don’t look like a sale of tax credits. And now this legislation comes out, it’s like sell away, you know, file a Form, find a buyer, pick your price, and sell your credits. So that’s incredibly exciting, not really any limitations on that. So if you can generate a tax credit, you can find a buyer, you can sell it.



Lauren Collins 12:26

所以有三种不同的奖励抵免对于我们传统的可再生能源抵免,你可以叠加在其他可用的税收抵免之上。这三个奖励积分基本上是一个国内内容奖励,一个能源社区奖励,和一个低收入社区奖励。以ITC为例,通常是30%的奖励,如果你碰巧有资格获得这三种奖金,可能只是假设,因为我会解释为什么这很难。但是如果你能够你的ITC就会爆炸到70%政府为你的整个项目提供了资金。所以每一项的具体内容,国内含量奖金,基本上激励你购买在美国制造的部件,基本上,你需要确保所有的钢铁和40%的组成设施的部件,有制造商或生产商的想法,在美国。这是一种人们可以组织或选择的方式。我知道人们正在与他们的供应商和制造商交谈,试图弄清楚他们是否符合资格,美国是否有足够多的产品可以纳入他们的项目,因为你可以获得额外的10%的信用,这是很多的,你知道,这只是一个成本效益分析。如果我要为在美国生产的产品多支付X金额,但我有X + y作为税收抵免,我会做出这个决定,我将在美国购买。所以这些对话正在发生。 I think that will need to catch up a little bit. We need more US manufacturing for this to be possible for people to take advantage of on a large scale. But I think we’ll get there. The other two, two bonuses. They’re kind of like get lucky bonuses. You know, do you happen to be located in certain communities and certainly going forward, people will decide to, you know, maybe make their project in that specific to the community, but there’ll be a lot of considerations at play. And again, there’s a it’s an energy community bonus, which is one of them. That’s another 10% bonus. And basically, that is a bonus for locating your project in either community that has traditionally been like an oil and gas or mining community, and maybe a coal mine closed within the past 20 years. So if you now install a renewable project there, you’ll get an additional credit, it was also expanded so that it included projects that are located in communities with unemployment above the national average. So you can see basically, they’re, they’re incentivizing you to develop or construct your project and an area that needs some revitalize revitalization. And maybe there’s some displaced workers who are working in a traditional energy sector. And now we’re going to bring in a renewable project. And we’re going to, you know, build jobs, you know, high quality, good paying jobs through renewable. So, you know, we’re gonna give folks a 10% additional tax credit for being located in that community. The third one, the low income community bonus, this is only really available for small projects. So it’ll be of limited import for a lot of developers. But certainly, it’ll encourage development in low income communities thing is like a five megawatt limit on those projects. But that can be 10, or 20%, depending on where you’re located. But again, kind of encourages people to bring these projects which bring jobs and revitalize the neighborhood, into certain areas.



Lauren Collins 17:09









Lauren Collins 19:43

是的,其中一些还有待观察。正确的。你知道,我认为碳捕获技术已经存在了很长一段时间。正确的。我认为那里已经发展了相当多的技术。它当然有增长的空间。氢和核,你知道,我,我不会冒险去猜测它会有多大的影响,它会有影响。我们一直在做一些交易,你知道,在这一年里,特别是在氢领域,我们基本上没有进展,这取决于这类立法是否被颁布。你知道吗,曼钦说他不会就任何气候变化立法投票已经过去一个月了。所以所有这些交易都消失了,你知道,人们认为他们应该回到自己的角落,舔舔伤口,想想他们要做什么。 All of those deals get to come back now. And now that you know, these development stage hydrogen projects, have a hope, you know, they can now be economic, because there’s this potential for this powerful tax credit. So if I’m certain it will cause hydrogen projects to be developed that would not otherwise be developed. I hope it’s a lot of hydrogen projects will see nuclear. I mean, this is another one where I’ve been doing this for a decade, never seen a nuclear deal. You know, I’m sure people have done them. I haven’t seen them. But now with this credit, I think we’re gonna see them, you know, I certainly hope that we see them, I hope we see them in the near term, I think nuclear, you know, is and should be an important part of our energy mix. It’s done responsibly. So hopefully, it resurrects that market a bit. And, you know, again, with things like transferability of the credit, I think it makes it more economic, and opens up the market for people that might be interested in investing in nuclear. And then as far as carbon capture, I mean, certainly people were doing carbon capture deals on the basis of the existing credit that had been in place for a while now. But the legislation increases the amount of the credit significantly, and it lowers the threshold for when you qualify for the credit. So not only do you get more credit, but there’ll be more projects that can qualify more easily. So expand the scope of projects that otherwise wouldn’t qualify, or, frankly, we were having to like over structure or spend a lot of legal time and analysis to figure out if we could shoehorn them in one of the, you know, various rules. Now, the path to qualification is a lot easier. So it’s the same thing deals that were kind of on the fringes or development stage projects that may maybe they didn’t kind of pencil out, now we can go back to the drawing board, rerun the numbers, and those deals start to work again. So you know, all of this is to say is, I think the legislation will do what it’s intended to do, which is encourage and promote development in these areas. So that we’re not just reliant on solar and wind and traditional energy sources. Because if you look at product, you know, projections of our energy needs in this country, we will not have enough if that’s all we’re relying on, we need to have a really mixed, you know, stream and source of energy, if we’re going to have any chance of meeting our needs, and doing so in a responsible manner to



Lauren Collins 23:46

所以,有一个很大的,非常重要的条款是针对这个想法的,特别是国内的矿物制造,生产和开采。这就是先进制造业生产税收抵免。从本质上讲,它提供的是,如果你在美国制造或生产或开采某些可再生能源组件或某些用于这些技术的矿物,然后你出售它们或将它们整合到更大的组件或设施中,你可以获得每个组件或每单位开采和生产的矿物的税收抵免。所以你知道,我们正在与制造商和矿工进行对话,这很有趣,你知道,我不认为我会与矿工的客户通话,但你知道,我们在这里,基本上他们正在寻求将他们的离岸业务转移到美国。这些是我们正在进行的实时对话。因为这项立法和其中的信用额度,使得这样做很有吸引力。因此,增加国内制造业的政策目标,你知道,让劳动力市场在这些类型的制造业工作和采矿工作中更具竞争力,这正在进行中,你知道,我看到这一领域的积极进展,这非常令人兴奋。除此之外,还有重要的制造业生产税收抵免。人们购买这些东西也是有动机的。所以制造商在生产时从政府中获得信用。 And then on the flip side, the buyers of these various renewable components and facilities, they get an additional tax credit if they’re buying that stuff that has been made in the US. So there’s a two sided benefit for both parties. So it really incentivizes the entire market to find a way to make us manufacturing work.




希望你能看出来我真的很兴奋,如果有人过度炒作,我真的很内疚。我想你会听到很多人说直接支付和可转移性条款被夸大了。我,你知道,我在媒体上看到了很多东西,你知道,它们真的那么有益吗,它们可能有点难以管理,你仍然会有一些剩余,你知道,重新获得人们需要担心的其他负债?是的,当然。无论什么。不。当你读那些东西的时候,一定要检查你的资料来源。我觉得很多时候,是,你知道,像我这样的税收公平律师在给这些项目泼水。我认为这是一个错误。我确实认为这些项目将会非常重要。 I don’t think they’re being overhyped. So I’m answering your question in the negative. But I think that, you know, as with the legislation, providing a more expansive set of rules for types of projects that qualify, you know, we also have an expanded set of people who want to be involved, or will want to be involved because of this legislation. And I think there’s going to be room for everyone. So the traditional Tax Equity structures that I’ve been doing for a decade, they will continue, there is a huge place in the market for that. It’s an important source of financing. It’s a pretty efficient source of financing. So I think, you know, folks like me, who have built their career on it can sleep easy at night, no need to panic. But there’s also going to be this whole other developing, basically, industry and marketplace for tax credits. And I think we need to make sure that we’re being innovative. And, you know, tax lawyers in particular, we can’t get stuck in this, you know, one track mindset of, we like tax equity, let’s stick with it. No, I think we need to be innovative, I think we need to think about ways to make direct pay and transferability work. Because if we can get it to work, I think it only helps the industry and the marketplace. And you know, just as a human being, like our climate and the world. So I think we need to spend a lot of time focusing on it. I will say there’s there is an important limitation. I think that the the legislation wanted to make it easier for tax exempt and like state and local governments to invest. As we talked about earlier, they’re able to do direct payment of the credits, which I think was it was an important, you know, goal, and a smart move on the part of the government. But there’s a missing piece in the legislation that I think is going to make it hard for private equity, which is typically, you know, oftentimes how tax exempt actually invest in these things, to actually use that direct pay. I think there’s a legislative fix that that we should explore, that could tamp down some of the ability for tax exempt and kind of Munis to invest. I don’t think it’s Are mountable. But it will take some work on behalf of tax lawyers, maybe lobbyist to try to get those rules to work in such a way that they were intended.





Sean McMahon 30:23



好吧,我想说的是,我认为人们没有足够的关注。那就是缺乏任何形式的税收抵免,重建的更好的立法有税收抵免,它没有进入IRA。我不知道为什么这看起来像是一个巨大的错误。你知道,我不想夸大它。但这似乎是鲁莽的,有这个不可思议的立法,根据所有的说法,将导致你知道,大量的资本,两倍或五倍的可再生资源的安装。金博宝188我们的输电网也不会升级。我是说,你知道,这是怎么回事?你知道,我的天,我不是工程师。但你知道,只要坐下来看看我们的输电网现在所面临的各种限制。我担心我们已经制定了这项立法。 That sounds great, but how do we actually get the energy to our homes, on our current grid, we do have the standalone storage tax credit, I know that will encourage more storage to be developed. That’ll be a piece of the puzzle. But we’ve got to figure out this transmission thing. We need to incentivize people to upgrade the transmission grid, find ways to make it economic, you know, provides, there’s like some grants, and they’re there to kind of throw away, I don’t think they do much. We need more transmission attention. In order for this to actually kind of play out the way we hope it will. That kind of related thing is there’s a solar PTC option. So previously, if you are developing a solar project, you are going to take an investment tax credit on it. Now you have an option of switching to a production tax credit. And I think a lot of people will will make that election, you know, we’re hearing as much as two thirds of solar projects will probably be a solar PTC deal. Now. I think that could also put some additional constraints on our transmission grid, and encourage more negative bidding. So you know, I, you know, I said earlier, I was super optimistic and you know, overhyping things. These are some areas where, you know, there’s not enough attention on they’re kind of missing from the legislation. I hope they’re fixed. I don’t know that we’re gonna have enough time, you know, just with midterms coming up and the like.




我希望我们能看到事情按照我们预期的方式发展。我的意思是,正如我之前提到的,我认为人们预计资本投资将达到3.5万亿美元。风能的装机量会逐年翻一番,太阳能的装机量会翻五倍。所以我希望五年后当我们回顾过去时,我们会说,这是可行的,对吧?我们开始看到,你知道,五年后我们应该会看到这些项目开始投入使用。我们应该开始看到我们的能源结构更加多样化。你知道,希望我们能看到一些氢气项目真正开始实施。你知道,我们现在正在做的项目是各种东西的混合。所以你会有一个主要的项目,包括风能部分、氢气部分和碳捕获部分,它从一个状态转移到另一个状态。我们的网格并不是那么划分的。 I hope that’s what we see. I think this transmission thing is going to be a problem that that again, worries me I think gotta figure that out somehow. I think storage may be kind of the gap fill for a while. I also think I keep harping on transferability. Because I think it’s so cool. I think we’re going to see kind of these, like credit funds develop, where basically, we’ll have, you know, a be a fund essentially, buys credits from developers, and it will have a variety of investors who have invested in the Fund, and are able to take advantage of tax credits in exchange for their investment. I think they’ll they’ll then be kind of a marketplace for credits, you know, though, I don’t want to say like an ETF for tax credits, but you know, something like that, right. And we’ve been getting a lot of questions of how much are these things going to go for? How much is a tax credit? What do you think you’re gonna sell it for? I don’t know. They ask the tax lawyers, and then we’re, you know, we’re always like, you know, you guys, this is people, you, you tell us what they’re going to trade for. It’ll depend on asset type. It’ll depend on credit worthiness of the sponsor, developer. It’ll depend on the relationship between the parties, but there will be a market for these credits. I’d like to see, you know, folks like you and I being able to invest in products like this, we can’t right now the way that the rules are written, I, if I’m gonna make a bold prediction, it’s that, you know, within the next five years, they’ll get rid of that limitation. So hopefully, you know, folks like you and I and others who are interested in this industry, we can invest and why not right. You know, if you can invest in cryptocurrency, why not invest in a solar project in Arizona, or wind project in West Texas? Or maybe not, but you know, pick your asset, hydrogen, whatever, I think that would be an incredibly cool place for this to go. You know, you can imagine like having an app on your phone of, you know, your fund where you invest in renewables all over the country. That would be pretty rad.






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